Get MyTruckList for  FREE  with purchase of Amous Lite TMS

Email your list of available trucks

Click. Send. Done.


What is


MyTruckList is a web-based tool designed exclusively for trucking companies. Simplify your day-to-day by automatically sending an available truck list to your email contacts.


Keep Your Trucks Loaded

Secure your loads faster and more frequently than ever before

Save Time In The Morning

Mass send your truck availability with just one click

Build Trust And Connections

Be the first to update clients with dynamic links that adapt in real-time

How it works...
4 easy steps


Add Your Available Truck List

Add your trucks to MyTruckList with availability dates and destinations


Create Your Email Groups

Easily manage your contacts for sending emails in bulk


Personalize Your Email Templates

Personalize ready-to-use email templates that catch your contacts attention


Launch and Load!

MyTruckList keeps your contacts in the loop about your availability, helping you secure loads faster


Download our
free e-book

Explore the simple yet effective 4-step strategy revealed in our latest e-book. This guide will help you secure better rates, ultimately boosting the profitability of your company in this competitive industry.

Provide the details below to access your free e-book: “4-Steps To Get Better Rates For Trucking Fleets”

We want to stay in touch, but only in ways that you find helpful. By requesting this service, MyTruckList will send you industry leading news, e-newsletters, research and other communication from our brand. Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe from our communications at any time by emailing


Simplified Our Day-To-Day!

"In the past, dealing with scattered spreadsheets and sending individual emails consumed hours each day for both my dispatchers and I. Now, with everything in one place, sending our truck's availability has never been easier and saves us time for our other tasks."


Milo Dubak, CEO of Pure Freight Lines

Frequently asked questions

Is MyTruckList suitable for small and large trucking companies?

How many emails can I send to my contacts?

Does MyTruckList work with different email service providers, or is it tied to a specific platform?

What kind of support is available if I encounter any issues or have questions?

Do I need to sign a contract when signing up for MyTruckList?


Free Trial

Send 100 emails for free, and see how it works before you commit!
$0 now & No credit card required


Up to 100 emails each day

Cancel anytime, no commitment or contract


Save 14% with yearly billing 💸

Equivalent to $23 per month, billed annually

Up to 100 emails each day

Cancel anytime within the first 7 days

For unlimited emails, please Contact Us